TOP 10 Free Online Learning Platforms That will upgrade your skills

TOP 10 Free Online Learning Platforms That will upgrade your skills

Online education didn’t happen overnight. Technology-based education started in the 90s by using radio and television, and after that by using a personal computer and the internet. In this post, You are going to see the Top 10 Free Online Learning Platforms.

The purpose of online education was to make learning available to those who have the ability and desire to learn but have been denied from it. For example, those in the military, those who live in undeveloped countries, or those who work full time can use their free time for lectures and assignments.

The best advantage of using technology is that you have a huge amount of information available to use so you can gain knowledge and improve yourself. You can learn a new language, you can learn to code, and everything you are interested in: computer science, languages, engineering, psychology etc. It doesn’t matter what your age is if you are interested and have motivation the internet has a lot to offer and the best is that many sites are free.

Every human being has the right to education, and these nonprofit platforms are offering it for free for anyone, anywhere by avoiding the obstacles of access, cost, and location. Some of the best online sites that offer courses for free are the following.

Here are the list of Top 10 Free Online learning Platforms

1. Stanford Online

Stanford Online

This site partnership with the Stanford center for professional development and works together to create an online learning platform with courses and programs that meet the needs of every student. Stanford’s online learning platform offers professional certificates, advanced online degrees, and free online courses on different subjects. This is a great online Learning platform with high-quality content from the brightest minds of Stanford.

2. Khan Academy

Khan Academy

Another great site for free online courses is Khan Academy. This site offers instructional videos and practice exercises on every subject: math, science, history, languages, arts, and more. Provides a summary of each students’ performance, so parents can understand their children’s progress and can help those who are struggling. The lessons and materials at khan academy are translated into more than 36 languages.

 3. Ted-ed


Ted-ed’s mission is to acknowledge and honor the ideas of teachers and students because they believe that ideas can change the world. Ted-ed supports learning by producing original animated videos. Ted-ed makes it possible for teachers to create their own interactive lessons so they can help learners gain knowledge on different subjects. Ted-ed videos are animated, short, and interactive with original and engaging content. These videos are produced by a group of experts of different fields and are referred to as ted-ed lessons.

4. Academy Earth

Academy Earth

This is another online learning platform that offers free online courses on different subjects and has a partnership with the world’s top universities. Academy earth offers original videos with educational content on every subject and online courses, it also offers online degrees and certificates offered by accredited colleges.

5. MIT Open Courseware

MIT Open Courseware

MIT offers nearly 2400 online courses for free from different departments and schools and this was their mission from the beginning: to make these courses available to everyone. MIT is visited by students and educators from all over the world and offers scholar courses, audio/video lectures, online textbooks, supplemental recourses, online library.

6. Harvard Extension School

Harvard Extension School

This site is accredited by Harvard and offers free and paid online courses, certificates, and degrees. This site has high academic standards and always aims to increase quality and to satisfy the needs of the students. This site offers nearly 1000 courses that are taught by Harvard scholars, leading researchers, and industry experts.

7. Coursera


 Coursera is one of the leading online learning platforms with more than 70 million students from around the world. This online platform offers both paid as well as free courses that are taught by professionals from the world’s top universities. Coursera offers courses, guided projects, specializations, professional certificates, and online degrees.

8. ItunesU Free Courses

ItunesU Free Courses

This is an app for Apple iPhone or iPad which offers online courses on different subjects. There are great courses that you can take, most of them are free but some of them are paid courses. Courses are from the top universities of the world such as Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and so on.

9. Edx


Edx is a high quality online learning platform for education. It has been founded by Harward and MIT and has more than 20 million learners from every country of the world. At Edx you can learn languages, technology, engineering, psychology, marketing etc.

10. Udemy


Udemy is one of the leading online learning platforms with its mission to improve the lives of people through learning. Udemy offers 150000 free and paid courses on different subjects, taught by leading experts, and has around 45 million learners; has partnerships with the world’s top professors and schools.

Also Read: Top 7 trending Technologies to learn : The Future of 21st century


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