Cloud-Native Technology Applications: Top 5 factors You should know before You Start

Cloud-native technology

Contrary to what is obvious about the name “cloud-native technology” many people would think it is actually referring to the Cloud itself. However, cloud-native technology is the application software built by an organization to facilitate and enhance their operations. On the other hand, the company or organization that builds and operates with the software is known as Cloud Native.

What we need to know is that cloud-native technology cannot come to be without some factors and characteristics, and applications involved. These factors contribute immensely to the active and exceptional functions of cloud-native technology. Here, we are going to expatiate on the factors and the reason why companies or business owners adopt the use of cloud-native technology, and some notable applications that can be used.

Five-factors of Cloud-Native Technology

Meanwhile, there are about five factors that we are going to look into in this article.

1. CSM (Cloud service model)

Cloud service model in Cloud-native technology

The set of ways in which you can use cloud-native technology is what is known as Cloud Service Model. It can also be referred to as the means of using Cloud technology. There are three means and these include:

  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a service):

This is a ready-made installation that would be purchased by an organization to manage their data on the cloud. An example of such a provider of IaaS is Azure Microsoft. Positively, any organization under this would minimize expenses and recovered data in case of disaster.

  • SaaS (Software as a service):

This is a web application that runs on the cloud. Unlike IaaS, you are not required for installation or downloads. A good example of SaaS is Microsoft office 365 and Dropbox among others.

  • PaaS (Platform as a service):

In this model, there is provision for creating, developing, and testing cloud-based business applications. Through this model, you can manage your storage and server either through a company or through a platform though this model requires subscriptions.

Looking at the description of the Cloud service model with its three means, I believed you have come to know that this actually reduces cost, improves working efficiency, and manage time.

2. Container:

A container in Cloud-native technology

As the name implies, it contains all the applicable codes and items require to process the codes in a separate unit of software. When applications are contained, they are more portable and gave way for manageability.

3. Microservices:

Microservices in Cloud-native technology

Microservices segments application into different sub-units while each sub-unit perform distinct functions.

Microservices provide autonomous practice and allow each sub-application to develop and manage easily.

A good example of a platform to develop microservice is Microsoft. NET. There are some characteristics associated with microservice. These are:

  • Each application is autonomous.
  • Each has a separate storage capability.
  • They are built for a specific business.

4. Automation:

Automation in Cloud-native technology

Automation in this regard is the practice of a program to repeat certain practices over time. When you employ automation, it improves the speed of executing practices, reduces workload, and enhances the productivity of the applications. As a person who wants to automate the applications built, Azure Resource Manager and Azure CLI is a good example to utilize.

5. Banking service:

Banking service in Cloud-native technology

Contrary to what appears by its name, it is the accumulations of different running services. These include:

  • Storage
  • Security
  • Analysis
  • Monitoring
  • Document Data Bases

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This service can be owned individually, but the managing procedure and license of the resources would be done by you.

Cloud-Native Technology Applications

Additionally, there are some notable applications you can use in Cloud-native computing. Although, the applications that are mentioned here are not the only ones. These applications provide storage, easy operation of a business, and management roles. These include the following:

  • Istio: This interconnects microservice applications for management, tracking, and monitoring.
  • Kubernetes: This application is among the first cloud-native technologies applications which were developed at Google. Its services include self-healing, virtualization, and storage management.
  • gRPC: (Remote procedural call) developed by Google. It is mostly used by big companies or world universities or the technology industry to enhance their connectivity.
  • CoreDNS: This application is used by other applications such as Kubernetes for flexibility of their DNS service. This application only requires a plug-in and can be used at will.
  • Prometheus: It is for monitoring service applications. It can be used with other applications like Kubernetes too. It provides real-time service when integrated with other services.

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