5 Main Reasons Why do we love to Travel

TRAVEL- Find your happy place
 Hello Learners, Welcome to Learn-e5!

“Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world”
Gustave Flaubert    



Hope you know about this word. And of course why not we all love travelling. Have you ever think why we all love travelling, only to go to new places and roam there and to see the sights which we only see in our television or internet. No, that’s not the way of travelling. Let me discuss this beautiful topic with you all.

 What does travel mean for you? 

Travelling is an awareness of being abroad, awareness of being a foreigner away from home. It’s the feeling of strangeness that comes with experiencing another culture. It’s not only about sightseeing, but it’s also an experience to learn about others, their culture, food, dress, living standard. It’s a type of knowledge that we experience when we explore different places on earth.

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”



Why do we people love to travel?

We all want to explore this world by roaming here and there, some people have a strong desire to have a group trip or a solo trip to some new places so that they can enjoy their precious time of there life and also by exploring many places they get experience and they easily become a storyteller and for this, there are many reasons because of which we love travelling.
  • To Challenge Yourself 


Challenging Travel

Yes, travelling is a challenge to yourself. If you’re yearning for something exciting and different and, you are craving new experiences and new challenges then travel is the ideal place to test yourself. When you challenge yourself it will push you to your limits and gets you to go outside with your comfort zone.

Then you will discover how resourceful you are when you’re exposed to new places, people and experiences.

“I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on earth. Then I ask myself the same question”

– Huran Yahya

  • For Learning Purpose

Travel and Learn
Learning is the main reason when you go out to explore new places. You always experience something different from other places by which you are not so familiar with them and also they give new experience with new skills and apprehension. Exploring the world is more educational than in high school or college classes it gives much different knowledge which you will not get in any books. When you travel you learn something new in a different way like a new language, a different aspect of culture, an appreciation of faith or spirituality and many more. And also by learning this experience in real life, not reading it in a textbook, it will stay with you for a long time or as a memory.

“The World is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.”  

  • To Realise own Prospective
Group Travelling
Travel helps to open your mind. You realize there is not only one way to live life. When you meet people from another place will show you that your world view is not the same as everyone else.
By self exposing to new places, people and culture you will develop a generous world view. And that will make a good skilled global citizen. This is the big why people love to travel.

“We travel to find ourselves”

  • To Make Good Relationships
Travel Relationship
When you travel to any new place you always experience lots of new things and also you get a chance to share your experience too. There are lots of things by which we make new relationships by travelling like sharing your experience with some new person, also when they love your expression of talking with them can lead you to make a new friendship bond with that another person. Also, your family bond becomes stronger when you travel with your family. Couples also need some spaces or some special time from their family to make their relationship bond strong, so they travel to some new beautiful places to explore new things and also to make their relationship bond strong.
  •   Appreciating Your Life

Travelling beautiful places give you Freshness and relaxedness. so whenever you are tired of work, take a break and travel new adventure places. Travelling is one of the best way to appreciate your life. When you Travel any places, It changes you in various way. The most important thing is that Travelling makes you appreciate your own life and home place more.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
– Helen Keller
So, these are the information all we need to update you. We hope you get a clear understanding of  Travel and why to travel. If you have any doubt or want to ask any question related to this post please feel free to comment it down below, we will try to give your reply as soon as possible.

Thank You!




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