How to start Food business: A step by step guide on Restaurant business

How to start Food business

Almost all the people must be thought once in their lives of opening hotel or restaurant and some of them also tried but did not make success because of lack of intel and information. The interesting thing is that the restaurant business is one of those businesses that people cannot overlook. But Most of them don’t know how to start food business and if you are among them then you are on the right track because after reading you will get amazing tips for starting a restaurant.

A restaurant is still the most favourable place for outdoor hangouts. Food chains like McDonald, Burger King, Dominos, and Pizza Hut are the top players of the food chain business, and their outlets are spread all over the world. In India Momo king and Haldiram are also major food chain businesses. In this article, you will see how to start food business and turn it into a successful business. We have mentioned some of the key points which are essential for growing a food business.

How to start Food business

Location for food chain business

how to start food business
How to start food business

Many people do mistakes when it comes to selecting a location. In order to save little money, they choose remote locations where no one comes or has least to no footfall. People must think that location is one of the crucial aspects of growing the food business.

It would cost you in the initial days but after some time when you get higher revenue, you will definitely thank us for our advice, so never fall into a trap when you select a location. You should choose a location where you get an ample amount of footfall.

Make your Menu

Make your Menu

Keep in mind that dealing in many items would not work because it requires more capital and time and it is not necessary that your chef would be good in all. You should add a maximum of 10 items to your menu. For example, McDonald deals only in burgers and fries which makes their franchise more efficient and more profitable because they acquired repeatability and efficiency in making quality burgers. You also work like them and deals only in few categories and before making your menu you must study your customers like what they like to eat.

Food business requires equipments

Food chain business requires equipments

After making the menu, buy types of equipment according to your requirement. You should not buy unnecessary equipment which is not even that much useful and buy only those equipment by which you can save your time and prepare food in less time.



Well, staffing is the most crucial aspect of the food chain business because your entire restaurant business is depending on your staff’s performance. It would be good that after hiring staff you must conduct a little training session on Sunday so you can tell them your vision and you must be focusing on some key areas relating to employees like their behaviour towards people, how good they can make food, how fast they can make food, they must ensure cleanliness and quality in food preparing.

Name & Logo of Restaurant

Name & Logo of Restaurant

You should choose a name for your restaurant which people can easily recognize and this is the best thing because people choose those food outlets which they already remember or recognized instead of some random restaurant.

The name and logo of your restaurant must not belong or in some other language, make sure that your restaurant’s name should be simple and easy to pronounce. Also, choose a logo simple but must be unique.

You must be thinking that why name or logo does even matter when you are just a newbie in the food business but trust me guys naming and logo are some of those things which make your restaurant more successful in the long run.

Quick service system

Quick service system

This is the technique that made McDonald’s number one food chain entity in the entire market. If you ask those people who are frequently eat in restaurants that what thing of restaurants pissed them so much then most of them would answer that they hate waiting for their orders.

Many restaurants let their customers wait for even more than 25 minutes for their orders I mean seriously guys 25 minutes are way too much and it will be a bad customer experience. You must make a strategy that how you and your team can make food in less time.

You must create an environment and divide the work equally among staff like one is for packaging, other for filling and so and so on. The quick-service method is really effective because it makes your customers happy and from the next time they would prefer your restaurant instead of some fancy restaurant.

Pricing plays major role in food chain business

Pricing plays major role in food chain business

Pricing is also one of the crucial aspects of making a successful food chain business. You must select a reasonable price so you can easily cover your cost and expenses and save good profit. You can’t be greedy if you want to be a successful restaurant owner because there are so many restaurants and food outlets which charge you a heavy price.

If you have a low budget and want to start a business in the food sector then cloud kitchen is the best option for you.

Must read: The Ultimate Guide to Start a Cloud Kitchen


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