Fashion Designing: Know what Fashion Designers Do

Fashion Designing

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In this post, we will guide you about Fashion Designing. I know many questions are hitting up in your mind like, What is fashion designing ?, What qualities a fashion designer have ?, What fashion designers do? and many more. We will guide you about all these topics in these posts. So, don’t worry read this post briefly, Learn-e5 will surely help you with your questions. 

Fashion Designing


In today’s era, if you want to become a designer you have to be very creative with your work and you should know the strategy of business management, marketing and you should be aware of the basic production. The fashion designing is a kind of business in which it won’t be profitable until and unless you don’t know the strategy and how to attract customers with you and your work and if you don’t know what is the cost price strategy that in which cost you should sell your product and how the customer will attract towards your creation and how he will be liking your work. So you have to know that until and unless you are not aware of your skills of management of the business you won’t think, you’re unable to sale your product. After an all, all your skills of fashion, making a fashion design, or anything you are making after the comes is business until and unless you don’t know the business strategy, won’t be having a good life in the industry of fashion so, you have to be very much aware with your work and about the strategy to sell your products. Now let us discuss this topic in brief.
What is Fashion Designing?
Fashion designing is something which deals with a revolutionary thing and very creative products which makes human a very confident and a beautiful with their look. It is a form of art in which a person has a creative mind for the creation of clothing and accessories. People who do or try fashion designing, they a called as fashion designers.
Let’s find out the qualities which make you be a fashion designer.
What qualities you should have to be a fashion designer?
To be a fashion designer you must qualify these qualities
~ Creative Artistic skills.
~ Great Communication skills. 
~ Creativity  
~ Proper decision making. 
~ Computer skills with software containing designing tools(CAD).
Let’s discuss all the above five points in brief:
Creative Artistic skills: It plays a vital role for the designers because they have to express their vision before making prototype so they make illustrations if you don’t have an illustration skill or a few sketchy skills you could not unable to show your vision. First of all, become so it’s important. Before making any prototype you have to show your Sketches first so it plays a vital role in the beginning.
Artistic skills
Great communication skills: It plays a more important role in how you communicate with the viewers with the tailors or your co-workers. If you don’t have a good communication skill you are unable to express your feeling your dreams in the industry of fashion. So, you have to be very much confident with your communication skills.
Creativity: Here the designers deal with fabric deals with colour contrast, you deal with a variety of creating and patterns So, you have to very creative that how it could be very unique to make any kind of products. So, you have to see the creativity. It plays a vital role as well so you have to see what kind of design you are going to make it should be very unique.
Proper Decision making: It’s like a fashion designer having their work and he/she is not able to decide what kind of theme he wants to give. So, you have to be very perfect and very confident in your decision. So, this is decision-making skills which is the most important as well as to decide your theme at the end of the show you are unable to decide yourself that which kind of cloth or which model I have to select or which model will go there first so this plays a vital role.
Decision making
Computer skills: It is a type of expressing skill which shows something to the graphics. It’s like a create graphics in computer with your skills and knowledge. It’s like dealing with technology in the industry of fashion. So, you have to deal with that to showcase your graphics.
computer skill
So, you have to think about all these qualities if you are choosing an aim to become a fashion designer.
There is an interesting fact that fashion designers have a few duty in which they are really very interesting for them though it will look like a haptic schedule or we will feel like what the hell they doing but it’s so amazing and it’s very interesting to have an interaction with other people’s. Let’s see what they do 
What does a Fashion Designer do?
fashion designer
Basically, fashion designers do some case studies on Trends. They see how appealing it will look on the consumers and like its product and after then they have to decide the theme for the collection and do some software work like CAD work for some T-shirt design or clothing design or something very special for making any kind of good products. They have interaction with manufacturers and ordered trade shows to have a fabric and with that fabric, they do some case study which fabric will suit on which costume and what will the colour contrast for their show of ordered product. Even they work with their co-workers or designers to make that prototype model with the help of pattern making and fabric to see what kind of design it would look like, what will the model look like if you make that costume real. Even it shows their design to the creative director of the brand. A creative director is someone who is more like a chief executive officer of that branding. If he sees your designs whether it’s good or not, or he will reject or maybe you will implement that in future. So, they show their design to the creative director or a trade show.
Now it happens what if they market their products, they market their designs in clothing retailers or a trade show, in a fashion collection or they directly show their costume to the consumers. So, this kind of things are very much important when they make cloth, they interact with other people their they take the guidance. They do a case study with all kind of fabric and after that, they make a prototype and the show their creation to the world.
So, all these are about fashion designing and their qualities which you should carry to grow your chances to enter in the industry of designing.
So, these are the information all we need to update you. We hope you get a clear understanding of Fashion Designing from this Article. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment it down below.

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